Northern Tanzania Circuit Safari

The Northern Tanzania Circuit Safari is a popular itinerary that covers several iconic national parks and attractions in northern Tanzania. It offers a diverse range of wildlife, landscapes, and cultural experiences. Here’s an overview of the key destinations typically included in the Northern Tanzania Circuit Safari: Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire National Park, Lake Manyara National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro and etc.

To summarize that well-known quote about Africa, those of you who’ve never been to northern Tanzania are to be begrudged, in light of the fact that despite everything you have such a great amount to anticipate.

Northern Tanzania is a place where there is superlatives, from Africa’s highest mountain to one of the best wildlife scenes on earth. However, Kilimanjaro and the Serengeti are simple beginning stages to such a large number of voyages of a lifetime. Mt Meru is Kilimanjaro’s opponent in both excellence and the test of climbing it, while the Crater Highlands could be Africa’s most frightful scene. With regards to wildlife, there’s Tarangire’s baobab-and-elephant kingdom, Lake Manyara’s tree-climbing lions and the flamingos. What’s more, venturing down into Ngorongoro’s crater can feel like returning to earth’s first morning.

Northern Tanzania Circuit Safari Packages

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