Kitulo National Park

The Garden of God

Located in the southern highlands of Njombe Tanzania, Kitulo national park is a protected grassland and a montane forest, tucked between the craggy peaks of the Kipengere, Poroto and Livingston mountains. It’s nearest city is Mbeya city which is 69 Kilometres by road. The park was established in 2005 covering an area of 413 km² with an elevation of 2,600 metres or 8,500 feet between the peaks of Kipengere and Poroto mountains. The locals refer to the Kitulo plateau as “Bustani ya Mungu” a Swahili word that translates to “The garden of God” while the botanist refer to it as the “Serengeti of flowers”

Wildlife at Kitulo national park

Main activities at Kitulo national park are:-

  • Hiking
    Hiking at Kitulo is the main activity where it takes half a day to hike from the park starting point across the Livingston Mountains all the way to the scenic Matema beach on lake Nyasa
  • Birdwatching
    Birdwatching in Kitulo national park is done with the help of experienced birding guides that can help spot different bird species. The best time for Birdwatching at Kitulo is from the months of November to April when migratory birds from Europe arrive which goes along with the rainy season in Tanzania and is the breeding season for many birds
  • Mountain climbing
    You may also opt to summit to the peak of mount Rungwe as the summit at the peak of mountain offers breath-taking views and scenery. On your way up you shall see diverse primate species in the forest area of the park which will include, black and white collubus monkeys, velvet monkeys, Kipunji monkeys and you will also see zebras, elands and reedbucks.
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